When Osseous Surgery Is Necessary, Choose the Best Care Possible

Couple on after receiving Osseous Surgery with Dr. JonesFor individuals with gum disease, the biggest issue is that once aggressive forms of bacteria begin to develop deep in the periodontal pockets, the tooth root and bone are at risk of rapid decay. This can lead to tooth or bone loss, and dangerous systemic health effects as well. Although periodontal maintenance treatments and other types of procedures are used to stop deterioration from occurring, further intervention sometimes becomes necessary. This can include the need for osseous surgery.

How Osseous Surgery is Performed

During osseous surgery, sometimes called “flap surgery,” Dr. Jones will first numb the area where he will be working. This ensures that you feel no discomfort during the treatment. When you have been desensitized, he will cut the gums and pull them back to expose the infected areas, and bone and tooth root surfaces. He will then effectively clean the area to eliminate harmful bacteria and to provide a more ideal environment. Then, he will use instruments to smooth out the rough surfaces on the hard tissues. This makes it much harder for bacteria to attach and breed at these sites.

After the smoothing, Dr. Jones will reattach the gums surgically using dissolvable sutures. This will assist in creating an environment where the gums are encouraged to better protect the teeth and bone. To find out if osseous surgery could help your advancing gum disease and related problems, please call our Waco, TX, periodontal office at 254.776.6350 to set up an examination.

What to Expect After Osseous Surgery With Your Periodontist in Waco, TX

After Dr. Jones has performed osseous surgery, he will give you specific at-home care instructions to ensure that your mouth has the best chance to properly heal. At-home care usually includes eating soft foods for the first few days after treatment and keeping the osseous surgery site clean. If you have heightened sensitivity in the area where osseous surgery was performed, we can suggest products to make the sensation less intense.